And this is the result of my hard work so far.
Kyrios - (Converter)
- Updated version of my previous converter research project. This application views and converts GLTF files into custom protocol buffer files used in my custom engine. ImGUI and Nuklear versions are available.
- Research Document is attached to this project
- Design Patterns used:
- Object Pooling
- Iterator
- Strategy
- Flyweight
- Tools used
- Nuklear
- ProtoBuff
- GLTF Files
- Texture
- OpenGL
- Custom Libraries used
- File
- Manager
- Math
- PCSTree
GDShaders Github
- Application to research creation of a Visual Programming framework by using a custom Shader Graph. UI created with ImGUI framework.
- Design Patterns used:
- Object Pooling
- Iterator
- Strategy
- Flyweight
- Tools used
- ProtoBuff
- GLTF Files
- Texture
- OpenGL
- Custom Libraries used
- File
- Manager
- Math
- PCSTree
- Application to apply different image effects to images with Compute Shaders with the purpose of saving these new images in TGA format, UI created with Nuklear as well as ImGUI framework.
- Research Document is attached to this project
- Design Patterns used:
- Object Pooling
- Iterator
- Strategy
- Flyweight
- Tools used
- Compute Shaders
- Nuklear
- ProtoBuff
- GLTF Files
- Texture
- OpenGL
- Custom Libraries used
- File
- Manager
- Math
- PCSTree
OmegaRace Multiplayer
- Single player project turned into Multiplayer game, uses Lidgren framework to handle networking, network is set as Client - Server - Client, where the players send signals to the Server and the server reflects the gamestate.
- Design Patterns used:
- Object Pooling
- Iterator
- Strategy
- Flyweight
- Tools used
- Lidgren
- Texture
- OpenGL
- Dead Reckoning
- Client Side Prediction
- Updated in 2023 to include Animation Compression, you can read about my thought process by clicking the button below. This is a Graphics Engine demo created as part of our Real Time Software Development course, this engine can display 2D and 3D models and handles animation for them.
- Design Patterns used:
- Object Pooling
- Iterator
- Singleton
- Composite
- Observer
- Visitor
- Command
- Strategy
- State
- Proxy
- Flyweight
- Tools used
- Texture
- Sprites
- OpenGL
OpenGL Demo V2 Github
- Upgrade to my first OpenGL 3D graphics demo, this demo showcases some upgrades in architecture as well as some mipmap uploading
- Design Patterns used:
- Singleton
- Tools Used:
- OpenGL
- Textures
- Model
- Custom Libraries used:
- File
- Memory Tracker
- Math
Final Fantasy® Demo
- This is a (somewhat) playable recreation of the first town of Final Fantasy® done in C# as part of a Real Time Systems demo.
- Design Document is attached to this project
- Design Patterns used:
- Object Pooling
- Iterator
- Singleton
- Composite
- Observer
- Visitor
- Command
- Strategy
- State
- Proxy
- Flyweight
- Tools used
- Texture
- Sprites
- OpenGL
- Audio engine created in C++ using Win32's XAudio2 as well as Win32's File System in order to demo concurrent programming of Real Time Systems.
- Design Document is attached to this project
- Design Patterns used:
- Actor model
- Object Pooling
- Iterator
- Singleton
- Command
- Strategy
- Tools used
- Handles
- Multi-Thread
- CircularQueues
- Mutex
- Callbacks
- XAudio2
- Tool created in conjunction with FFLogs to facilitate resource planning for FFXIV combat encounters
- Tools Used:
- WinForms
RememberThis Github
- Tool created to explore WPF application usage
- Design Patterns Used:
- Tools Used: