Video Demo
Quick Notes
A demo showcasing OpenGL graphics rendering
This demo was a part of DePaul University's Real Time Architecture class, it consists of using OpenGL to render different objects with different textures, lighting, models and rendering modes. As part of developing this demo we were also tasked with applying transformation, rotation and scaling matrices to the objects. The demo also required the implementation of different camera objects that the user is able to navigate the space with and that when the user pressed a button they would switch from one camera to the next without reseting any camera navigation.
This demo was also a test of creation of standard libraries and using those in this application, as part of this, the Manager (controls the object pooling), Math (allows for quick math operations), File (allows use of the file system in a seemless fasion) and the PCSTree (Allows adding and managing game objects as nodes in a tree) libraries were created. All the game objects shown are stored as files and uploaded with our File system library.