
Quick Notes

A (somewhat) playable recreation of the first town in Final Fantasy.

Design Document

Demo created as Design Pattern practice in a complex system, it utilizes multiple design patterns in order to render the world, navigate the PCs as well as monitor their behaviour. A pretty rough demo that is still a work in progress as I continue to discover ways to improve and solve problems. The player character in this particular demo is the Fighter character from the original Final Fantasy game and the NPCs in the world are being rendered as the other combat characters in the game, at some point in the future I would like to incorporate a party system but for now that is not the scope of this project.

The first implementation of collision elements was to use 4 cardinal points in order to determine where the collision came from, this works for the NPCs as well as the playable character as they follow the same movement rules. However I do have to admit that as a first pass it might be suboptimal to do it this way which is being worked on at the moment (when I have some time between classes). The new idea is to have the cardinal collision markers on the NPCs/Player instead of all the collision elements, which will make it possible to trigger proper collisions between NPCs.